





Sept 2021 - Feb 2022

Sept 2021 - Feb 2022

On my second day at UNSPUN, I was tasked with designing press kits for editors around the world. Immediately, I knew this couldn't be any old gift kit - it had to reflect the love for personalization, intention and denim that makes UNSPUN the brand that it is.

2 hours later, I had designed a cover concept out of scrap denim. The next day, I had made a vector design file, figured out how to use the Jeanlogia nano-machine to print and precision-cut copies on scrap denim, and prepped 40 copies for a team of 3 to sew and assemble. These gift kits were invites for UNSPUN’s app launch. The successful conversions from this outreach was the leverage point for high-impact branding moments, from gift-kits to denim bags and keychains that we printed names and designs for people to experience and record for social media in real-time.
